
Get some Bowie

He treats you well and makes you up real fine. A couple of songs from your old scrapbook could send her home again. Tell my wife I love her very much. Do you remember, the bills you have to pay? I'm a space invader. Strange, mad celebration. I never thought I'd need so many people. You're too old to lose it, too young to choose it. Wake up in the wrong town, boy you really get around. Somewhere, someone's calling me when the chips are down. You were a talented child. I'm afraid of Americans.

Freak out!

The far side of town, where the thin men stalk the streets while the sane stay underground. Turn to the right! Strange, mad celebration. Sordid details following. Don't pick fights with the bullies or the cads. Throwing darts in lovers' eyes. Freak out! Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking.